Multilingual Point & Speak Sheet for Restaurants Now Available!
今週末のRWC2019 フランス ー トンガ戦@熊本を前に
With the RWC2019 France-Tonga match being held next Sunday, now point & speak sheets for restaurants in 5 languages (French, English, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, and Korean) are available at Kumamoto Prefectural Office and Kuma Visit!
また 全てネイティブチェックが入っているツールですので、
These days we do have very useful apps like VoiceTra to communicate with people speaking different languages, but at the door of restaurants, to show (or speak) simple phrases such as “How many in your party?” or “We are full at the moment.” is much easier than to start an app on your cells during busy business hour or for those not familiar with such gadgets.
Also some people find them useful to learn other languages!
熊本県庁 熊本国際スポーツ大会推進事務局 企画調整課(096−333−2564)
もしくは、Kuma Visit のコメント欄かメッセージに!
When you need copies, please contact Kumamoto International Sports Events Promotion Bureau (096-333-2564) at Kumamoto Prefectural Office, or Kuma Visit! (The sheets themselves are for free!)
Kuma Visitが3年前に作成した指差しシートを基にし、
This product has been made possible, based on the original sheet designed by Kuma Visit 3 years ago after the Kumamoto Earthquakes, and now with the united efforts of Dr. Miyazono and his students at Kumamoto Prefectural University, Kumamoto International Sports Events Promotion Bureau, Kumamoto International Foundation, Kumamoto City Shopping District Association, Kumamoto City Economy & Tourism Division, and Kuma Visit.