約2300年の歴史を持つ阿蘇神社は、全国に約500社ある阿蘇神社の総本社です。以下の建造物は、国の重要文化財に指定されています。Aso Shrine is around 2300 years old. It is the Grand Head Shrine of about 500 Aso Shrines in Japan. The following buildings are designated as National Important Cultural Properties.
・一の神殿(いちのしんでん) Ichi no Shinden
・二の神殿(にのしんでん) Ni no Shinden
・三の神殿(さんのしんでん) San no Shinden
・楼門(ろうもん) Romon
・神幸門(みゆきもん) Miyuki Mon
・還御門(かんぎょもん) Kangyo Mon
中でも楼門は、「日本三大楼門」の一つです。高さ約18mの壮大な楼門の前では、多くの観光客が記念写真を撮っています。Among them, Romon is one of the 3 greatest two-storied gates in Japan. It is about 18 meters tall. Many tourists like taking pictures in front of it.
神社の参道 (さんどう)は、拝殿(はいでん)に向かって縦にのびる「縦参道」が一般的ですが、阿蘇神社は平行にのびる「横参道」です。A typical sando (worshipper’s path) extends toward the hall of worship. However, the Aso Shrine’s sando extends parallel to the hall of worship. There are cherry trees planted along the sando and it is a popular cherry blossom viewing spot.
参道沿いには手水舎(ちょうずや)があります。参拝の前に身を清めるために手水舎で手を洗い、口をすすぎます。この水は「神の泉」と呼ばれる湧き水で、不老長寿のご利益があると言われています。There is a chozuya along the sando. Before praying, people wash their hands and rinse their mouths at the chozuya to purify themselves. This spring is called “the spring of the gods” and is said to bring you good luck related to perpetual youth and longevity.
阿蘇地域の木材が使用された拝殿では、ヒノキの香りを楽しむことができます。正面に飾られた、長さ7.5m重さ160kgの注連縄(しめなわ)も必見です。拝殿では賽銭箱(さいせんばこ)にお賽銭を入れ、「二礼二拍手一礼」をします。The hall of worship is made of wood from the Aso area. Because you can smell the cypress it can feel as if you were in the forest. The Shimenawa (a sacred rope of rice straw) is also a must-see place. It is 7.5m long and weighs 160kg. In the hall of worship, people put money into the offering box and do the following: (1) Bow twice (2) Clap hands twice (3) Put hands together and pray (4) Bow once more.
阿蘇神社には、様々な種類のおみくじがあります。おみくじを引く前に、小銭を投入口に入れましょう。おみくじは、一体100円〜300円ほどです。良い運勢のおみくじは持ち帰り、悪い運勢のおみくじは柵に結んで帰る傾向があります。There are various kinds of Omikuji in Aso Shrine. Omikuji is a fortune-telling slip, similar to a fortune cookie. It’s usually around 100 to 300 yen per slip. Daikichi(大吉) means great blessing, kichi(吉) means blessing, and kyo(凶) means misfortune. People tend to bring back good fortune Omikuji and tie bad fortune Omikuji to the fence.
阿蘇神社は2016年の熊本地震により大きな被害を受けましたが、2023年12月に復旧工事が完了し、震災前の姿を取り戻しました。参道沿いの商店街も、多くの観光客で賑わっています。この機会にぜひ訪れてみてはいかがでしょうか。Aso Shrine was severely damaged by the Kumamoto Earthquake in 2016. However, restoration work was completed in December 2023, and it has recovered to its pre-earthquake state. The shopping street along the sando is also crowded with many tourists. Will you visit Aso during your trip?
Written and revised by 安井智絵 and ALLYSSA SCHOEN
熊本学園大学 2023年度 商学部 ホスピタリティ・マネジメント学科 石貫文子ゼミ
Kumamoto Gakuen University Faculty of Commerce Department of Hospitality Management
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