Come see Okoshiki Kaigan (Okoshiki Coast) in Uto City!
御輿来海岸(宇土市)の絶景日!Okoshiki Kaigan is well-known for its beautiful patterns of low-tide sand-bars at sunset.
There are “best-view” days based on sunset times and stages of the tide. This year the best days (weather permitting) are March 25, April 10, June 8, and July 7!これから夏にかけ、御輿来海岸では干潮差による美しい砂紋を楽しめます。
その中でも「絶景日」は 3月25日、4月10日、6月8日、そして七夕の7月7日!御輿来という名前は,景行天皇が九州遠征の際,美しい海岸線が目に留まり,しばし御輿をとめ、見入られたという伝説に由来。
「日本の渚百選」「日本の夕日百選」に選定される景勝地です。The name “okoshi-ki” comes from a legend that Emperor Keiko stopped his palanquin (okoshi) when he came (ki-ta) to this coast and was captivated by a beautiful sunset.
Please come enjoy this wonderful view in Uto City, hoping the weather cooperates!
The observatory is a 15~20-minute walk from Oda Station on JR Misumi Line.Or you can take “A-train” from Kumamoto Station to Misumi Station, and then take a taxi!晴天を願い、宇土にぜひお越しくださいませ。
JR三角線 網田駅より展望台まで徒歩15〜20分
もしくは 熊本駅から「A列車で行こう」に乗車。
Okoshiki Kaigan (Okoshiki Coast) in Uto City 御輿来海岸(宇土市)

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