Mickey Mouse Shinkansen (Bullet Train) Time Schedule!
ミッキー新幹線 運行カレンダー!
If you take a shinkansen bullet train between Hakata 博多 (Fukuoka) and Kumamoto 熊本 or Kagoshima Chuo 鹿児島中央, here is a schedule showing which one is a Mickey train. (Scroll and click the date.)
For example, on May 18th there was no Micky train for Kagoshima, and the last train of the day was between Hakata and Chikugo-Funagoya 筑後船小屋. However, on May 19th there are two Mickey trains in the afternoon between Hakata and Kagoshima.
Trains with a star ★ means that Mickey merchandise will be sold on the trains.
reservation website
fare information