Kuma Visit Yatsushiro Report #1
★晩白柚アロマクリーム手作り体験!When one cruise ship changed the world as we knew it, another cruise ship can change the world for the better.
1隻のクルーズ船が、私たちの世界を変えたのであれば、別のクルーズ船が、今の世界を変えてくれるかもしれません。Next month Kumamon Port Yatsushiro will open. Unfortunately, as of now no cruise ships are planning to come into the port because of the COVID-19 situation. However, in the world after COVID-19, the port will play an important role in Yatsushiro tourism once again!
COVID-19 の影響により、現在こそクルーズの寄港予定はありませんけれど、「ポスト・コロナ」の世界で、この港は新しい世界へのゲートウエイになってくれるに違いありません!ということで、これから3回に渡り、八代での体験型観光についてレポートお届けします。第一弾は、金波楼での晩白柚アロマクリーム作り体験です!
駅から向かったのは、1409年霊泉が発見され湯治湯として栄えてきた日奈久温泉にある金波楼。創業明治43年、築100年以上経つ木造三階のお宿は、国・登録有形文化財となっており、宿泊だけでなく、立ち寄り湯でも、その見事に磨き上げられた廊下に歴史を感じることができます。金波楼という名前は見晴らしの良い宿の階上から八代海に沈む夕日に映えた金色の波が展望できたことに由来するとのこと。旅館裏には、黄色の鳥居が目を引く晩白柚神社もあり、庭園からは、元は高田焼に使われていたという煙突も見えます。訪れた時は、ちょうど雛祭りの前で「明治三十九年三月求ム」と箱に記された由緒ある見事な雛人形も飾られていました。If you ask Japanese what they think of when they hear the name Yatsushiro, most likely you will hear banpeiyu and igusa. Igusa refers to the rushes that are used in tatami mats. So what are banpeiyu?
Banpeiyu are huge citruses of the pomelo family, and about 96% of the harvest comes from Yatsushiro. How big are they? In 2014 one banpeiyu from Yatsushiro set the Guinness World Record for the heaviest pomelo, weighing in at 4.8 kilograms! You can find one welcoming tourists at the information center at the Shin-Yatsushiro Station.
Banpeiyu are not only delicious, but are a vital ingredient in a special aroma hand cream. But before we get into the hand cream, a little history!
According to old records, the first hot springs in Hinagu were discovered in 1409 and inns were soon established around the springs. One of the oldest inns in continuous operation is Kinparo – founded over 100 years ago. From the garden of the “Tower of the Golden Waves” Inn (so-named because of its view of the setting sun on the Yatsushiro Sea) you can see the old brick chimney of the Takata pottery kiln, and behind the inn itself is yellow tori gate that leads to a Banpeiyu Shrine.
And now we return to the hand cream! The ingredients are simple: only banpeiyu essential oils, shea butter, jojoba oil, and beeswax. For those who care about natural skin care products, it is obvious that this cream is of high quality.
The main character of the cream is, of course, banpeiyu essential oil: It takes 10 kg of banpeiyu skin to obtain only 10cc of essential oil. And as no preservatives are used, the cream is not made on a large commercial basis.
But you can take this hand cream home as a souvenir, and even make it yourself because of a special program for visitors.
The instructor for making Banpeiyu aroma cream is Ms. Matsumoto Misao, landlady of the Kinparo Inn. As mentioned above, it takes a lot of banpeiyu and a lot of hard work to get the essential oils, but Ms. Matsumoto and the inn’s assistant landlady, Megumi have done the work and are ready to help you make this special hand cream.
(1) カップに入れた蜜蝋を湯煎し
(2) 溶けたら、シアバターとホホバオイルを入れ
(3) 湯煎から下ろし冷ましながら、クリーム状になるまでかき混ぜる。
(4) 最後にオイルを数滴垂らすと出来上がり!
クリームを手に塗ると、晩白柚の爽やかな香りと共にしっとりとした肌に!Here is what to do:
1. Warm the vessel containing the beeswax.
2. When the beeswax is melted, add the shea butter and jojoba oil.
3. Remove the vessel from the warm water.
4. Blend the ingredients until the mixture becomes creamy.
5. Add the banpeiyu essential oil.That’s it! Apply it to your hands and enjoy the soothing cream and refreshing citrus fragrance.
A small yellow pouch embroidered “Hinagu” in hiragana and the pictogram for hot spring. The green string represents the green leaves of the banpeiyu fruit.
Speaking of Japanese fragrances brings to mind the yuzu citrus which can be found throughout Japan, but banpeiyu aroma products can be found only in Yatsushiro, and banpeiyu hand cream is available only through this program.This is a rare opportunity to make and take home a rare product! Come join the program!
(reported by Kuma Visit)• プログラム名/晩白柚アロマクリーム手づくり体験
• 場所/旅館「金波楼」(八代市上西町336-3)
• 体験料/(一人あたり)2500円
• 時間/10時30分~、20時30分~ ※各1時間
• 参加人数/2~6名
• お申込み/DMOやつしろきびっとツアー係 0965-31-8200 または http://www.kinasse-yatsushiro.jp/dmo/experience_good
• ※リクエスト制のお申込みとなります。ご予約受付後、実施可否のご連絡を受付後3営業日以内にご連絡させて頂きます。
• ・小学生以下のお子様は保護者の同伴が必要です。NAME OF PROGRAM: Making Banpeiyu Aroma Hand Cream!
PLACE: Hinagu Hotspring Inn “Kinparo” (336-3 Kami-Nishi-machi, Yatsushiro City)
FEE: ¥2,500 (including tax)
TIME: 10:30 am – 11:30 am or 8:30 pm-9:30 pm
MINIMUM NUMBER of PARTICIPANTS: 2 (maximum: 6) Preschoolers must be accompanied by an adult.
FOR RESERVATIONS: call 0965-31-8200 or visit: http://www.kinasse-yatsushiro.jp/en/dmo/experience_good
After receiving your request, we will let you know about availability within 3 business days.
Name | Banpeiyu Aroma Hand Cream in Yatsushiro! 晩白柚アロマクリーム作りin 八代! |
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