Ganjin Shokudou is conveniently-located in the downtown area, and serves healthy Chinese porridge and Chinese tea!
Vegan-friendly/plant-based choices are available!
中華粥は基本的には鶏ガラ出汁を使用。ただし、ヴェジタリアンの方には野菜出汁のお粥で対応可能!Chinese porridge is basically made with chicken broth, but vegetable broth porridge is available for those who prefer it.前払いし、番号札をもらい、番号が呼ばれたら、オーダーしたものをカウンターから受け取るスタイルです。You pay in advance, receive a number tag, and when your number is called, you pick up your order from the counter.豆腐花 Doufuhua (Chinese sent with silken tofu)麻辣担々麺 Plant-based Spicy Dan Dan noodles税込 ¥900 tax included ; (ハーフサイズ 税込 ¥600 half-size ¥600 = tax included)
パクチートッピング+税込100円 coriander topping additional ¥100 ( tax included )
野菜湯麺 Vegetable noodles豆腐団子の湯麺 Tofu Dumpling Noodle Soup
税込770円 税込450円(ハーフサイズ)
¥770 (tax included) ; half-size ¥450 (tax included)
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