Indo Shokudo serves healthful vegetarian and non-vegetarian meals daily.
Its vegetarian dishes are free of fish meat, and fish and meat extracts. All vegetarian dishes are also dairy-free to serve vegan friends. Meat dishes cater to Hindu and Islamic dietary preferences.
Its non vegetarian meals are based on chicken, lamb, eggs, or seafood. No beef or pork or their by-products are used.
フレンドリーなオーナーさんは長くインド滞在され、英語でのやりとりも大丈夫!The friendly owner was in India for a while, and communication in English is also okay!その日の具材、また売り切れていないかどうか、前もってお電話頂けると教えていただけます。096 371 6528
Only one type of dish each day, such as chicken or mutton is prepared. Feel free to call ahead (096-371-6528) to find out what is served. (Please confirm before visiting, as there may be rare occasions of sold-out items or temporary closures).”
Payment is accepted in cash only.
X (旧ツイッター)のアカウント: indiandiner
X (formerly twitter) account: indiandiner
Indo Shokudo インド食堂

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