Mini-Tatami Mat-Making (and Eating Igusa Ice Cream) in Yatsushiro!
COVID-19対策で、ストレスが溜まってしまう- そんな時にこそ畳の出番かもしれません。
Feel stressed because of the COVID-19 situation?
Then it might be time we got benefits from tatami-mats!イ草は、消臭・脱臭効果だけでなく、「フィトンチッド」という成分は、森林浴でも得られるストレスホルモンの減少というアロマテラピー効果を持っています。戦国武将もその恩恵を受けていたのかもしれませんし、現代のIT企業が休憩室などに畳を用いるというのも、理に叶った利用法だと言えるでしょう。
Talking of tatami will, for many people, elicit the memory of its refreshing scent and texture. Igusa has a deodorant effect and its phytoncides have the therapeutic effect reducing stress much the same as forest bathing.The samurai of past eras may have appreciated the effect, and it’s quite understandable that many IT companies use tatami in their buildings.
So here is a report about mini-tatami mat-making in Yatsushiro!座敷 —畳を敷き詰めた和室— は、世界に類のない日本特有の文化の一つですが、その畳表となるイ草の国内生産9割を占めているのが、熊本・八代!そこで、今回、可愛いミニ畳を気軽に制作できるというイナダ有限会社さんにお伺いしました!
Zashiki – the tatami-mat room – is one of the most recognizable features of Japanese culture. Yatsushiro is proud of the fact that it produces about 90% of the national igusa harvest – the rush that is used in making tatami.畳の原型は、ゴザのようなもの。平安時代には座ったり寝たりする場所のみで用いられる高級品で、使わない時には畳んで部屋の隅に置いたことから、畳という名前が生まれたと言われています。室町時代になり書院造が生まれた頃から部屋全体に畳を敷きつける形となり、畳大工という職も生まれたということ。
The history of tatami starts in the Heian period (the 8th~ 12th century). At that time tatami was just a thin woven rush mat that could be folded up (“tatamareru”) and stacked in the corner of a room.
The Muromachi period (the 14th~16th century) saw the development of rooms fully matted with tatami, as well as the rise of professional tatami craftsmen.いよいよミニ畳作り。まずは畳縁(たたみべり)と呼ばれる畳の縁のデザインを選びます。今回は麻の葉を選んでみました。麻はまっすぐにグングン伸びるため、「成長」や「子どもの健康」の願いが込められています。海外の方にはくまモン柄も人気とのこと。
This mini-tatami mat-making program is held at Inada Tatami Company, Ltd.
First you will choose the design along the edge of the tatami. This reporter chose a hemp design. Hemp grows straight and rapidly, so it is a symbol of childhood growth and good health. The Kumamon edge is also popular among foreign visitors.
The base mat is made by using packaging tape and a giant stapler. Mr. Inada provides great support in using the necessary tools and materials, and the procedure is pretty simple. Just be careful in placing and matching the edge patterns of the mat. Lastly, a non-slip sheet is attached on the bottom of the mat.
There are a variety of uses for the mat. A recent one is for the display of anime and manga figurines. (“Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba”!) Imagine having a cosplay event with dozens of tatami mats spread in front of Shin-Yatsushiro Station. Many anime fans would get together at Yatsushiro!ミニ畳作りの後は、イ草アイスクリームの試食!阿蘇・小国ジャージー牛乳を使った「イ草ミルク味」と「玄米味」の二層仕立てが絶妙のコンビネーションです。さらに農薬不使用のイ草から作られ、植物繊維(100g中70g以上)をたっぷり含んだ「藺草麺」は、ツルツルの食感。自然派レストランなどでも採用されているとのこと。
After making a mini-tatami mat, igusa ice cream is served! It’s a jersey milk ice cream treat flavored with genmai (brown rice) and igusa powder and is so delicious! Inada Ltd. also produces igusa noodles. The igusa used for the noodles is grown without any chemicals and is full of good fiber (70g out of 100g). Natural-oriented restaurants have adopted this igusa noodle.
Tatami made in Yatsushiro goes through a process called “mudding” which helps its color and refreshing scent last longer and, by extension, its health-enhancing qualities.Why don’t you join us in this program and include a small tatami-mat to your room? Feel the refreshment and “wa” in your own home!
• プログラム名/イ草を食べる!ミニ畳作り体験〜イ草アイス付き〜
• 場所/イナダ有限会社(八代市鏡町内田438-2)
• 体験料/(二人以上参加であれば一人あたり)2500円(一人の場合3,000円)
• 時間/10時~、14時〜 ※各90分
• 参加人数/1~8名
• お申込み/DMOやつしろきびっとツアー係 0965-31-8200 または
• ※リクエスト制のお申込みとなります。ご予約受付後、実施可否のご連絡を受付後3営業日以内にご連絡させて頂きます。
• ・小学生以下のお子様は保護者の同伴が必要です.NAME OF PROGRAM: Mini-Tatami Mat-Making (and Eating Igusa Ice Cream) in with Igusa Ice Cream!) in Yatsushiro
PLACE: Inada Tatami Company Ltd. (438-2 Uchida, Kagami-machi, Yatsushiro City)
FEE: ¥2,500 (including tax) *¥3,000 when only one person participates.
TIME: 10 am – 11:30 am or 2:00 pm-3:30 pm
MINIMUM NUMBER of PARTICIPANTS: 1 (maximum: 8) Preschoolers must be accompanied by an adult.
FOR RESERVATIONS: call 0965-31-8200 or visit our website
After receiving your request, we will let you know about availability within 3 business days.
Name | Mini -Tatami Mat-Making (and Eating Igusa Ice Cream) in Yatsushiro! ミニ畳作り体験〜いぐさアイス付〜in 八代! |
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