The Shimada Museum of Art was opened in the autumn of 1977 in realization of the wishes of Mr. Shimada Motomi, a student and lover of Japanese antiquities.
He dedicated his life to the preservation and study of historical documents and artistic handicrafts related to samurai culture in Kumamoto.
In his later years, he wanted to preserve and share his collections with the public in the hope of providing opportunities to appreciate the history and traditions of Kumamoto.
He laid the foundation for the museum on the grounds of his private home.
Your visit to this museum will be an opportunity to learn about and appreciate the treasure o Japanese history together with samurai culture.
The central themes of the Shimada Art Museum collections are Kumamoto arts and crafts from the Momoyama-Edo period. Exhibitions are held regularly with collection themes chosen three to four times a year. Representative collections of the museum are the works and relics of Miyamoto Musashi.
島田美術館は、昭和52(1977)年、古美術研究家 故島田真富氏の遺志を実現するものとして、同年秋開館。宮本武蔵ゆかりの品が常時展示されていることで知られています。
Name | the Shimada Museum of Art 島田美術館 |
Category | |
Business Hours | 10 AM - 5 PM |
Closed | Tuesdays (excluding national holidays) 2nd & 4th Wednesdays |
Fees | Adults 700 yen, university and high school students 400 yen, elementary and junior high students 200 yen |
Address | 熊本市中央区島崎4-5-28 4-5-28 Shimazaki, Nishi-ku, Kumamoto-city 860-0073 |
TEL | 096 352 4597 |
URL English | |
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